Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Substitute - Book I New Version

A few weeks ago, Stacey ended her battle with my English Grammar and we have a nice book in our hands. I'm very proud to present now the book in a new format (Royal Size 9*7 inches) more easy to carry around  (and guaranteed to stop any Konrad if you hurl its 656 pages at him)

There is a 99 pages preview at Lulu. com so you can see Stacey's great job. now forces you to price your book to Amazon's retail price which is 50% more over the author's printing costs. As it is a Print on Demand publishing company you pay for each page (0.02) plus the covers, binding and their fees for doing something so misterious that it can't be shared with the rest of mortals.
Naturally, the price sky-rockets. TS1, with over 650 pages will be priced at $31,95 for selling in Amazon and I will make the incredible amount of $0.96 per each copy sold there. In Lulu (as they only calculate their printing costs, fees and their share of the profits) my benefits rise to $10 per copy.

But over $30 for a book is an excessive price. Lulu allows me to make a discount so I can offer the book below $24 but no more because I have to cover my own costs of paying a professional editor, designing the cover, the interiors and perhaps a tea box for curing this author's fatigues.

I will not release any digital version of this book or The Substitute II. The minute the PDF, EPub is out, it is pirated no matter what I do. Applying DRM or stamping the copies is calling the real good-honest people a potential crook. I hate to say this, but for me fighting against piracy is like swimming in a lake full of piranhas. Too many open fronts to fight at the same time. I've tried all what is in the "handbook of the good author who wants to go digital" but it's useless. Why paying for something that you can get free? One pirate even added a "donations" button to my work.

I even considered the "freemium" option, a model that is quite successful in China. It's like a "pay per read"; the reader purchases a membership and has access to all the website contents for that month. The Chinese use it for publishing novels and it contains piracy much better than the DRM. The few independent authors who do it in English price a monthly subscription between $ 4,99 to $ 9,99 for 50.000 words.

The problem? The Substitute Book II has material for 8 or 9 months. Even if I were a "bad companion" to other authors and priced my things at the bottom, the final cost for the reader is almost 40 dollars. Let's be a maverick then, and price the subscription at $ 2,99, (crossing my fingers that  at least I can cover the hosting costs of such a website)... and we have the same price of the printed version of the book, without the hassle of waiting for each installment. Some days ago a group of Spanish journalists were making a huge scandal because a website (Suite 101) offered to pay them € 0,75 per 400 written words.

Ebooks are the future they say, but the future is not always a good thing. As most traders say, losing a few bucks is no problem at all; you can recover them with the next move, but the time you wasted is irreplaceable. Fighting against piracy makes me lose my time, time I could use to write instead of ranting. I like writing stories, answering e-mails or comments but if I have to play the "Rin Tin Tin" all the other is lost. Going digital is not my thing. I'll stay with the old paper.

Once more Higashi's trailer. Did I say I love it?

This coupon is valid till December 14th

Ready for the holidays? 25% off any order. Code: COUNTDOWN. Save up to $150 through December 14, 2011.


  1. Thank you very much for the discount :)

  2. OMG!!!! O_O; Congratulation Tionne on the first book. Lolz Love the comment on throwing the 600 + pages at Konrad but I'm sure Goran will shoot me down first.

    Anyway...can I just tell you how excited (or obsessed) I am for TS2?!

  3. Oh, gosh! It's here, it's here, it's here! *Higashi dances all around her desk* The new edition of TS1 is here! \^o^/ Dearest Tionne, this news makes for such a fantastic Christmas present!

    Nothing wrong with the very first edition, mind you, but the bookworm in me (the Higashus libracus XD) just adores brand new editions. The paper, the new cover design, the new book size...I even took a peek at the preview section and awww and ahhh at the new break lines and such... Sheer bliss! ^___^

    Sad to see the situation deteriorated so badly as to scare you off digital editions, but your position is perfectly understandable. The future is certainly not always a good thing (yes, I know, I'm challenging my inner Konrad, but whn the man is right, he is right). Anyway, the Higashus libracus loves paper, so no complaints from me. ^_~

    I've always find it outrageous the way some publishing houses, even taking into account publishing costs, make such big profits while paying so little regalias to the authors. Grrrr to Amazon.

    And once again, thank you so much for liking so much my little video! *hug*

    Higashi walks into the sunset, trying to figure out why her bank isn't allowing any on-line purchases... *grumble,mumble*

    PS Some virtual tea send Tionne's way!

  4. T_T I am really sad...I am really looking forward for The Substitute 2...( digital version ) since postage is really expensive over my end unless there's free postage like booksdepository...sigh...


  5. Tionne, Congrats!!!!!

    Moniqee, I have ordered 2 books shortly and the postage to Germany was around 8 - 9 $ ( the cheapest option) I am not sure if the books have arrived because I am not home since almost 2 weeks. I would wait for TS2 and order it together with TS1. The postage for 2 books is around 2 $ more than only 1 book


  6. Tionne, for how long you can keep the price 24$?


  7. Dear Higashi, I love the tea. Thank you so much... Can we include the cookies too? :)

    Dear Thuly... 600 pages aimed at your head? Maybe we should look up in the Geneva Convention text if it is allowed.

    Dear Moniqee, I'm sorry to cause you this inconvenience but this decision was not easy for me. I normally order the books with the cheapest shipping option and they always arrived a month later. Books wiht ISBN in Lulu are printed in USA or Europe (Norway)in order to keep the postage low.

    Dear Cathy, the $24 price is my final price for TS1. It will not be changed in Lulu. Amazon forces me to price it at that crazy number because they want me to include their share. I imagine they want to add "Sale -40%" and entice people to buy it.


  8. the problem is i am from asia. sigh...cheapest shipment normally is either half/same with the books price. would love to buy it from booksdepository since its free worldwide shipment

    anyway, will wait and see when the Substitute 2 is released.

    thanks for the comment


  9. Please reconsider not selling the ebooks. I have bought all three of your ebooks, but due to vision problems (and price)will not buy the books. The people who pirate the books wouldn't buy them anyway. Why punish your loyal readers because of a few.

  10. Dear Anonymous-

    She's doing this because it's not just a "few" pirates. It's thousands. The reality is that there were only a few of us who actually purchased ITLDs, while thousands downloaded a pirated copy.

    If the numbers were closer together, then perhaps Tionne would feel differently. But when there is such a gross discrepancy between the illegally downloaded copies, and the number who actually bought the books, I feel it's more unfair for anyone to demand that she ignore the reality and press on as if this was not a legitimate problem. Personally I am *furious* with the pirates out there who claim to be fans of Tionne's work but have chosen to not purchase the electronic copies. I know it was ultimately Tionne's choice, but those folks are the one's the forced her hand in this matter. If you're on any of the forums or slash-reading circles, please share with them what the consequences of their actions are: folks who legitimately need an electronic copy of a book in order to read it are not going to be able to any more.

    And really, this is a consequence pirates don't bother thinking about. I wouldn't dare speak on Tionn'e behalf, but really I'm quite furious when I think about this type of consequence! It just further shows how self-centered pirates can be. So long as they get their quick fix, nothing else matter. : | For shame..


  11. Hi Tionne!

    I recently bought the Substitute and how I loved it... I already read it once when you were publishing it on aff. but I just had to buy an actual paperback copy because I liked it so much and I will gladly advertise it to the people that read my own stories on fictionpress. Unfortunatly they are French readers and therefore I'm not sure they will be as thrilled as me to read such a chef-d'oeuvre in english... But oh well, I will certainly try my best!

    Just a question, now I'm dying to read the sequel, so when do you intend to publish it? And is there a way to be alerted as soon as it's available?

    You gained yourself a real fan with me.

    Plume d'ange

  12. I read this back when it was on, and I have to admit, I enjoyed it despite the broken grammar and now I can't imagine reading it with fixed grammar. Why is that? Well, it's a diary of an obviously foreign student, and the broken grammar and everything just kind of *fits*. Too bad there's no ebook version so I can read it discreetly :(

  13. I was really looking forward to buying the ebook. Oh well, i will have to scratch this good reviewed good off my "to buy" list. I despise paperbacks

  14. Hello Tionne

    I've just ordered TS series all 4 books from about a week ago (Hardcover...Yayyyy!!!)

    First I'm about to place an order at but... because I really love the books and want to tell Tionne how I love her work so I'm here!
    have to say...I'm quite shocked when reading about the difference benefits that the author will earns between and,
    then buying from is absolutely the better choice (with hardcover version and very good discount of cause)

    And these are thing that make I love you more,Tionne
    -"Ebooks are the future they say, but the future is not always a good thing..."
    -"Going digital is not my thing. I'll stay with the old paper."
    old-fashioned like me,e-books is fine... but nothing can compare to the feeling of holding my favorite book in my palms...

    love your works
    looking forword to TS3 ^ ^

  15. Dear Tionne,

    unfortunately, the cost of shipping and like one of your fans I also have poor vision, and would like it on ebook format. Please reconsider going digital.

    The future may not always a good thing but we can not go back and deprive technology that is currently help people to experience the joy of books. There will always people out there exploit and why restrict readers.

    I have no issue in purchasing the your ebooks format directly from your website.

  16. Do you realize people will still type up your book and put it online if they wish to do so? You can't escape pirates.

  17. . . . I just saw on where re-sellers are selling used and new hard copies of Substitute, Book I has prices of $131.54 and $1888.02 . Substitute, Book 2 for $401.73 new.
    Who gets this money and how is it any different than e-piracy? All around piracy is totally wrong and as one blogger puts it, it is parasitic.

    Am I right in thinking that the books being sold for hundreds of dollars does not provide any royalty to the writer just as much as e-piracy does not? Why punish us readers who would pay for our e-copies?

    Book 3 isn't so bad because they are re-selling for just about the regular price.


    1. Dear Missy,

      I'm not getting any part of this fantastic prices certainly. Amazon works with Lulu (which is the original publisher company of the book) for a certain amount of time. They force you to increase the price by 40% to cover Amazon's costs. I'm glad if I make 3 or 4 dollars per copy. The best is always to buy the books from or any of their subsidiary sites. Lulu takes time to deliver the things, but they finally do it.

      As customer you have the right to say "no" and don't purchase it from (crooks) dealers. The links to purchase the books in my page are for Lulu because I'm aware of this "exploitation" of readers' good faith. Amazon is not your friend (nor the writers).

      Ebooks bring a lot of trouble into my life as I've explained several times. If I make an ebook, I certainly lose all the money needed to publish the books and gain many, many headaches. It's not worth it, not because of the money but because of my health issues.

      As far as I know, I haven't finished TS3. Heck, I'm in the middle of writing it! I do hope nobody is already writing it for me. I have enough with the non-authorized translations going around. I wanted to start publishing it but because the first part is ready, but I have some doubts with a money laudering techique used in part 2 because it's very from the nineties. Things have changed a lot since 2008 and to use something more "modern" forces me to make minor changes in part 1. I prefer to have things running smoothly before I publish anything.

      Best wishes.

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