Friday 25 January 2019

TS3 Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Guntram de Lisle's diary
June 16th, 2014

Pubs aren't so bad for business. In fact, I think I might be starting a trend. After a hellish Sunday when my plans to paint in order to reduce my stress went to hell, I had little hope for Monday. 
First, I had to tell St. Claude that I was closing down the trading section. Temporarily. Second, I had to inform him that we were going back to the old and boring traditional banking business and the most exciting things that we were going to do was a takeover or a merge. Third, we were going to focus more on the new technologies (development of trading platforms for third parties and virtual coins). Fourth, creation of our own virtual trading platform for metals with an emphasis on physical storage of the goods. No more Comex for us. Fifth, why don't we play a mayor role in leading crowfunding projects? We could well design a platform for that. 

Friday 18 January 2019

TS 3 Chapter 5

Chapter 5

June 13th, 2014

At three, Guntram was able to drive to the Airport. In order to avoid the press people literally camping at the castle's gate, he asked one of his bodyguards to drive him in one of the “support” cars alone. No extra security or nothing that could rise the reporters' suspicions. 
He had had enough with that one single visit to the courtrooms to answer some silly questions about his commercial relationship with Konrad. There had been journalists everywhere and they were determined not to miss the story of the “gay billionaires” leaked thanks to those American fools.
Along with the paparazzi and journalists, the protesters, lead by Trevor Jones' heirs, were shouting “death to bankers” or “death to crusaders”. 
Just the sight of the blaring circus had been enough to make Guntram feel very sick. He would have loved to turn around, but it was impossible as Michel had told him; he couldn't miss the opportunity to speak with the judge one on one. So Guntram put on his sternest face and descended from the car, surrounded by bodyguards who didn't mind to push two or three journalists down. 
Guntram didn't bother to tell “no comments” to the many questions fired in German, English, French and Spanish at him. 

Friday 11 January 2019

TS 3 Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Guntram de Lisle's diary
June 9th, 2014

Today Michel was able to visit Konrad. He didn't tell me much, only that he's all right and that was it. Michel thinks that the judge will have to set a bail soon, perhaps at the end of the week. Most of our accounts are still frozen and I had to order some of the Serbs to “smuggle” cash into Switzerland to pay the domestic service. Incredible. 
It was very hard for Friederich to do it like this but there wasn't  any other way. Even my own money was seized. 
Fortunately, my cousin offered himself to teach the boys so they can take the final exams and don't lose the school year. It's only two or three weeks more and it doesn't make sense that they return to that school. Some parents are still sore with us and the other children could turn nasty to Klaus and Karl. I will have to send them to a new school after the holidays. 
My boys were even “cast out” from a birthday party they had been invited before all this happened. Oh, yes, I got an SMS from the mother. I felt like shit when I told them they wouldn't be attending it and really tried to place the blame on me, but Kurt isn't an idiot. 

Friday 4 January 2019

TS 3 Chapter 3

Chapter 3 

May 30th, 2014

“Come out, come out from wherever you are.” 
'If Ratko and Milan are so childish as to hide behind a tree, they should be treated like children.' The coldness of the night didn't help Guntram to relax or to convince himself that his decision was for the best. 
“Sorry, we couldn't help it.” Milan apologized, embarrassed like a child. 
“At least this is more comfortable than snooping behind doors.” Guntram sighed when the two of them towered over him, cornering him against the bench as usual. 
“Will you do it?” Ratko asked bluntly.
“I think that you're all mad if you believe, even for a moment that I can overtake this mammoth. Goran is going to be very upset with us and the “wifey thing” will be nothing compared to this.” 
“This is why we're asking you,” Milan shrugged and sat next to Guntram as Ratko did the same, squeezing Guntram between their bodies. “Any other person would be killed instantly.” 
“What makes you think that I won't be killed when I'm on the throne?” Guntram asked ironically. “The associates hate me. The Komturen despise me and even the new dog does whatever it pleases.”
“Your children obey you.” Milan tried to cheer Guntram up, already knowing that the decision was made. 
“Not the smallest one,” Ratko shrugged. “But that little one has a mind of his own. It's nothing personal Guntram.”