Monday 28 November 2011

Into the Lion's Den - New version

As Stacey was editing The Substitute- Book I, I noticed several things regarding the paperback edition of  Into the Lion's Den. The size was too big and uncomfortable to carry around (the same problem with The Substitute) and now Lulu allowed me to price-produce my books in dollars. Printing in the good-old USA' way is cheaper than in Europe (and I wonder why Europeans have a crisis) and the costs can be significantly reduced.
Even if Konrad is going to be very upset with me, I changed the book size to Royal (6,14"-9,21") and the fonts and the price was lower than before (476 pages) For some unknown reason the minimum price allowed is the cost Lulu charges Amazon. I added a 20% discount that comes from my share to today's Special Offer.

Cyber Monday. The most epic deals of the season. 30% off any order, code: CYBERMONDAY, save up to $300 -or- 35% off $750 or more, code: MORECYBERMONDAY, save up to $750. Offers valid through November 28, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. PST.

I will be using the same book format for The Substitute Book I and Book II.


  1. Thanks for the code, Tionne. :-)
    With your 20% discount plus the lulu 30% off code, I have ordered ItLD and the Platypus book, including the postage, I have saved almost 20$!! This is the christmas present I bought for myself :-)
    Now, I need to wait patiently for them to arrive.
    Please consider the autograph stickers!


  2. Yesh!! I just followed Cathy's footstep ordered ITLD. Lolz It'll be a good motivation for the end of the semester with tests and papers piling up. -_-; Sometimes, I wish that I have already graduated college.
    Anyway, I'll second with Cathy's idea on the autograph stickers.

    P.S: I can't wait till TS 2 comes out in paperback too.

  3. Hi Thuly,

    Me too! I can't wait to see TS1 & 2 on my bookshelf. (I will need to find a very nice place on my bookshelf for the Duke :-)


  4. Thank you very much for the info and added discount. Lulu's shipping fee is really expensive ($8.99/book) so I've been waiting for a sale before buying your books :)

  5. Dear Cathy and Thuly,
    The minute I find a nice sticker without Santa Claus or Hello Kitty stamped all over it, I'll start to sign autographs. I already have the Montblanc fountain pen :)
    Did I write fountain pen? I've been working Konrad's character for too long.

    Dear Cempaka

    Thank you for buying the book. Lulu's business model has its downfalls. Now they force you to price your book to Amazon's price which is 50% more over the author's printing costs. As it is a Print on Demand publishing company you pay for each page (0.02) plus the covers, binding and their fees for doing something so misterious that it can't be shared with the rest of mortals.
    Naturally, the price skyrockets. TS1, with over 650 pages will cost (paper only) about $31,95 for selling inn Amazon and I will make the incredible amount of $0.96 per each copy sold there. In Lulu (as they only calculate their printing costs, fees and their share of the profits, my benefits rise to $ 10 per copy.

    But over $30 for a book is excessive. Lulu allows me to make a discount I can offer the book below $25 but no more because I have to cover my own costs of paying a professional editor, designing the cover, the interiors and perhaps a tea box for the author.

    I'm sure Lulu also makes extra money with the postage. Amazon should be cheaper but they want a higher price so they can later make "big sales season".

    Lulu has every month a promotion code. The best is to wait for it like you did.

    Best wishes,
