Friday 17 February 2012

TS 2 Chapter 8

In short:

Estimate Release date for TS2 as paperback: May 201

Final chapter update for TS2 e-publishing: December 2014. One chapter every 15 days.

Chapter 8

Guntram de Lisle's diary
April 15th, 2009
Today is Ferdinand's Bachelor Party. Well, although he is officially fifty-three years old, divorced with children attending university (one is a Harvard's PhD), living with his fiancée since 2003, he needs to have one. I mean, the “guys” need to throw one for him and Albert von Lintorff organises it. Konrad was invited and didn't refuse to go, he kissed me goodbye and was out before I could express my opinion on the matter.
Was the good and stupid Guntram invited? Yes and no.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Of lazy writers

What is Tionne Rogers doing at the moment? Looks like not much and probably it is true.

I've read all of the reviews and I thank you very much for them. I'm very glad when you like my work and take your time to drop me a line or two. I would like to offer you some answers to your questions.

When will The Substitute Book II be published?”

I still don't have a release date. The minute I have one, I will be the first one to cluck like a hen. The book is finished, and went into some adjustments in the meantime. The Editor and I were thinking about having the first edition check ready by beginning of April, but it is a very long book and it might well take some more time.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Of Greased Pigs and Schoolboys

As it is so cold in Europe and Phil has predicted six weeks more of winter, we can do nothing else but staying at home. 

Copyright. Diario El País

Of Greased Pigs and Schoolboys

October 19th, 1999
Buenos Aires

“Yes, de Lisle?” The teacher, without rising his eyes from the paper he was grading, answered with all the ironic contempt his voice could muster.
“Excuse me, sir but there is a hog in the window,” Guntram said very shyly as he looked at the rosy, small pig walking over the large Victorian window parapet.
“How many times do I have to repeat that “in” means that the poor animal is embedded into said window? The proper formulation for the sentence is... Any idea de Lisle?” The teacher corrected him as the whole class did its best to hold their snickers.
“I mean, there is a pig at the window, sir,” the now turned seventeen blond boy said with a shaky voice.