Wednesday 10 September 2014

General Lýkos

Chapter 19

Fucking aliens!!” Carlos buffed the minute he entered in the library that afternoon.
“E.T. Refused to go on a date with you? The thing has taste, no doubt,” Julian said without rising his eyes from the pile of books he was cataloguing.
“Arabs, Moroccans or any other camel-fuckers! Don't play dumb with me!”
“Look, I haven't seen Ahmed in a long time. If you have a problem with him, well, solve it!”
“Not that fucker! The ones who destroyed MY fence!”
“Your fence?” Julian asked incredulously.
“Yes, the fence I built. One of those fuckers wrote something on it! I'm going to kill them!” He shouted getting his own mobile phone to show the outrageous photo. “Look, you idiot! The wood is ruined beyond repair!” he howled now.
“Sounds more like you were going to marry it,” mumbled Julian as he took the mobile in his hands.
The picture was very clear. Someone had deeply engraved with a woodburning stick a series of words-letters in an unknown language on the fence.